
The History of the NYS Park Police PBA

The New York State Park Police Benevolent Association is comprised of Full Time Permanent members of the New York State Park Police, regardless of rank, and Retired members.

From Niagara Falls at the Canadian border, to the Hudson River Palisades, New York City to the tip of Long Island, members of the New York State Park Police maintain law and order statewide throughout the 180 state parks, and 36 state historic sites located within our eleven regions of New York State.

In May of 1989, the NEW YORK STATE PARK POLICE BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION was established as a unifying force working towards achieving the expressed hopes and aspirations of all Police Members of the New York State Park Police.

Working side by side with our Union and our many affiliates, we pledge ourselves to join together to improve the Quality of Life of Police Officers in this State and in this Nation by securing for them:

  • Full recognition and enjoyment of the Rights and Freedoms to which they are justly entitled
  • The achievement of Higher Standards of Living and Working Conditions
  • The Safety and Unity of our fellow members
  • Good Will between the members and the public they serve
  • The attainment of Security for all the people
  • And the Strengthening of our way of life and the Fundamental Freedoms of which our democratic society is based

We are ever mindful of the fine traditions of our past, and we are confident in meeting the challenges of the future.

PBA Forms

If you are an active PBA member looking for a college scholarship for your child…

You can find the NYS Park Police PBA Scholarship Application here.

If you are an active PBA member looking to update your beneficiary information…

You can find the NYS Park Police PBA Beneficiary Designation Form here.

If you are an active member of the New York State Park Police and want to join the PBA…

You can find the PBA Membership Application here.